Monday, February 5, 2007

I LOVE the $uperbowl!!

My girlfriend and I, another avid crocheter (and knitter) have ordered from Smiley's yarn shop or E bay every week for the past...Ummm...maybe 3 or 4 weeks. Our husbands are none to happy about that, but WOW! What great prices!! WOW! What great yarn! I have so much yarn, but I eagerly want MORE!!
Last night my husband and I threw a super bowl party. We had so much fun. We had about 20-30 people and of course we had 2 annual Super bowl money pools. Can you believe that me and my yarn hoarding friend won for the 1st and 2nd quarters!! Then I won for the 3rd quarter and game!! (which is the biggest amount of money!) SO of course today, we can browse and shop for more yarn with our super bowl winnings....isn't that awesome!!!

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