Sunday, March 18, 2007

All there is to know about me.......

It's difficult to summarize almost 40 years of life in one paragraph. So I'll just try to hit hit the basics.
In 1999 I was widowed after almost 11 years. He was the father of my first four children. They were ages 11, 8, 6 and 2 when he passed. He was a diabetic with a genetic type of diabetes called MODY "Maturity Onset Diabetes in Youth" He did not take care of his diabetes and ended up on kidney dialysis and died on his 35th birthday. I had my four children tested for MODY in 2001 and my second son (who is now 14) tested positive for it. This means that he will not start showing symptoms of it until about the age 16. I have a link on my page about MODY if you are interested in reading more.
After my husband passed away, my girlfriend hooked me onto the internet. I decided to look up an old crush of mine from high school, and I e-mailed him. He e-mailed me back and we exchanged a couple of e-mails. I learned that he had been divorced, he had an 8 year old son and he was living in NJ. Then 4 months later I got a phone call out of the blue that he was flying to California on vacation and he asked if I wanted to get together. We ended up meeting at an old pizza hang out and taking the kids to his Dad's house to swim. was just like the movies when we laid eyes on one another...and after a long distance courtship we were married exactly one year to the day, later! God Blessed me and the kids mightily with him. He is an exceptional man and has been a great support to me and the kids.
In 2002 we brought our daughter into the world and she has been a delight to everyone!
My oldest daughter moved to California a couple of years ago and I have just recently learned that November of 2007 I am going to be a first time Grandma!! I am very very excited about this and cannot wait to crochet everything under the sun for my daughter and the baby!
My oldest son will be graduating high school this year and attending NJIT. He is studying architecture.
My step son will also be attending college this year and he is studying accounting.
My son that was diagnosed with MODY is currently 14 and a freshmen in a vocational trade high school. He is in the automotive academy. His father in heaven must be very proud (that was his industry!) Currently he is not showing any signs of diabetes. I pray it never rears its ugly head.
My youngest son is in 4th grade and is a video game and skateboard fanatic. And finally the youngest is 4 and she will be entering Kindergarten in Sept. 2007. I don't know what I am going to do with myself once she enters school. This will be the first time in 20 years that I will be at home without a kid(s) in the house.
okay...thats a lie. I do know what I will do with myself...I'll crochet till my fingers fall off!!

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